The fluffy events of RheinFurs e.V.

Here you can find all our upcoming events and directly sign up for them!

From the medieval flair of Dhaun Castle, the urban jungle in downtown Wiesbaden, to the exciting dance in Gernsheim that will make your paws burn - we have something for everyone!

To register for an event or to buy a ticket, you must create an account on this page first.

© 2023 flickr/Sereas

Our activites

Current activites

Everything you need at a glance!

You don't want to miss any events? You want to be kept up to date on everything that's going on at RheinFurs? Then simply join our info channel on Telegram!

The info channel is our primary way of giving you all the information you need for upcoming events, such as dates, times, locations and registration deadlines. And if you can't get enough RheinFurs, then join our Telegram chat to catch up with other Furrys from the region!

Are you a gamer fur? So are we!

Did you know that the RheinFurs have their own Discord server? The perfect home for real gamer cats (and other critters)! Hang out with good friends and the RheinFurs team in the voice chat and enjoy casual games, competitions and game nights with us!

Not a Discord user yet? Discord is a free voice and video chat client that can be used either in the browser or as an application! Discord is the opportunity to meet new fluffs online! What are you waiting for?